where to find us
1st Floor
1a Devonshire Road
W4 2EU
where to
find us
1st Floor
1a Devonshire Road
W4 2EU

Steve Wilson
Nominated Commentator Of The Year (2018) by the Football Supporters' Federation.
Togo Igawa
Nominated Best Performer, 2012 BAFTA Games Awards ('Total War: Shogun 2' game - Diplomat, Advisor and Military General roles)
Dame Janet Suzman
Awarded Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE - for services to drama)
Oscar Nomination (Nicholas & Alexandra)
Golden Globe Nomination (Nicholas & Alexandra)
Evening Standard Award (Three Sisters)
Danny Rahim
Nominated Samuel Beckett Theatre Award (Hate)
Nominated Olivier Award (The Great Game: Afghanistan)
Mike Cattermole
2006 Horserace Writers & Photographers Association (HWPA) Broadcaster Of The Year Award & Peter O’Sullevan Trophy winner (Channel 4 / At The Races)
Benedict Taylor
Golden Globe Television Comedy Award (10%ers)
Oscar James
Nominated Best Comedy Actor, London’s SWET Awards (Gloo Joo)