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Home Studio: Audio

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1st Floor
1a Devonshire Road
London W4 2EU

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Vocal Age:
Home Studio: Audio

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1st Floor
1a Devonshire Road
London W4 2EU

Jayne Irving

RP. 'TV-AM' presenter. Warm & measured. Calm but with Authority.

Jayne is a well known TV presenter, journalist and broadcaster.  She has been a recognized name and face in journalism since the early 1980s, reporting for Independent Radio News, ITV/Thames News and most famously ITV's TV-AM's Good Morning Britain show.  She has also presented and hosted a wide range of other TV programmes including ITV's After Nine and Help, BBC1's Open Air and Garden Party, Sky's Sex, Lies & Love, Central Weekend, On The Road, and UK Living.

Jayne has also made numerous guest appearances is such shows as TV Addicts, You Bet, Punchlines, Tell The Truth and Give Us A Clue.  Her on-screen acting credits include YTV's satirical series The New Statesman and Channel 4
's movie American Roulette.

Her voice work includes numerous corporate recordings for clients including Morrisons supermarkets, Compass Group, the Metropolitan Police, BT, Yorkshire Water, John Lewis, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, and medical recordings for Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis.  She has also recorded commercials for APS and Ravensberger, and dubbing for The Rulers, The Dealers & The Losers.

Jayne Irving


RP. 'TV-AM' presenter. Warm & measured. Calm but with Authority.

Jayne is a well known TV presenter, journalist and broadcaster.  She has been a recognized name and face in journalism since the early 1980s, reporting for Independent Radio News, ITV/Thames News and most famously ITV's TV-AM's Good Morning Britain show.  She has also presented and hosted a wide range of other TV programmes including ITV's After Nine and Help, BBC1's Open Air and Garden Party, Sky's Sex, Lies & Love, Central Weekend, On The Road, and UK Living.

Jayne has also made numerous guest appearances is such shows as TV Addicts, You Bet, Punchlines, Tell The Truth and Give Us A Clue.  Her on-screen acting credits include YTV's satirical series The New Statesman and Channel 4
's movie American Roulette.

Her voice work includes numerous corporate recordings for clients including Morrisons supermarkets, Compass Group, the Metropolitan Police, BT, Yorkshire Water, John Lewis, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, and medical recordings for Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis.  She has also recorded commercials for APS and Ravensberger, and dubbing for The Rulers, The Dealers & The Losers.